
Your Bias is my EX!
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I nervously paced outside their unit. I looked around and thankful that no fans were following me.

I stood up straight, hearing footsteps and door opening.

"Good morning." I politely greeted.

"About time." Bobby gave me asmile and patted my back as he ushered me in.

"Hanbin! He's here!" He called out and I looked at him in confusion

"He's been waiting for you." I took off my mask and shoes before going in.

"He's upstairs." Yunhyeong popped out in the kitchen only in his boxers and an apron.

I nodded and said thanks. I could feel all their eyes on me as I slowly walked up to the stairs.

"Just scream if anything happens." I nervously chuckled and proceeded.

I was able to make out which is b.i.'s room. His door was filled with lyrics and notes. I also do that to my door if I have no paper beside me and afraid I'd forget the melody.

"Come in." I heard him say when I was just about to knock. I twisted the doorknob and it's open.

"How'd you know?" He swiveled his office chair and faced me.

"The power of the mind could be very incredible." He seriously stated.

"Oh shut up, we have cctv." B.i. pouted at jinhwan who brought us snacks.

"Make sure to leave nothing. You know Yunhyeong." He said goodbye and closed the door. B.I cleared his throat and reached for the snack.

"Sit down." I sat down on his bed which was the nearest thing I can sit on.

"You're only here for two things... one, you're coming to me for my blessing and permission for you to rekindle with my sister. Second, for you to apologize for what you've done to my sister through me and just go on with your life." I've made up my mind before coming here.

"I can only think about the two, unless you came tao collaborate?" He shrugged and drank his juice

"You'd consider a collab?" After what I've done?

"Work is work. Personal matter is personal. So who did you come for? iKON's B.I. or Kim Hanbin, your ex's half brother?" He stood up and paced in front of me

"Am I speaking with BTS's suga, or Min Yoongi?" I never thought he could be friendly and intimidating at the same time.

I stood up and straightened up my clothes. He stopped pacing and turned to me. He put his hands on his pajamas. He was shirtless like s.

"I came here today as Min Yoongi. I don't know to which extent I've hurt jennie, but I hurt her nonetheless. I admit my anger always gets the best of me. She had always talked to me about that. I was just gonna let it go and leave her be, but an amazing twins made me realize that she should be the one to decide what she'd do to me. I'd ask for a second chance if given and I'd do everything to have her back but before that, I want your permission. I don't want anything holding me back." He nodded to himself and he walked over to his desk and put down a frame.

"You mentioned twins?" After everything I've said, that's what caught his attention?

"Uhh, yes. They are great kids. They came to our company to learn music from me. They just turned five yesterday.." I hear him intake a huge gulp of air.

"I sometimes can't believe their age wit

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190 streak #1
Chapter 46: thank you for this....enjoyed!
Chapter 46: Omg I cannot I loved it. Every step of the way! Looking forward to reading more of your stories!
aha #3
Chapter 46: Super stories.... What about kook-lisa story author nim... please update their story also
Chapter 46: This ended already!!l enjoyed the story
Chapter 46: Yeheeeeey! Thank you, author-nim <333. I hope soon, another story will be publish too #yoonnieftw
Chapter 45: WAAAAH <333
Chapter 43: I hope nothing bad happens
Chapter 39: I wonder what will he do when he knew about the twins?